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Maison SADEONE has developed an expertise in clothing.

The garment is born in the imagination and appears as an ingenious sketch. It comes to life through materials chosen with foresight and delicacy for the story they tell. Associated with an impeccable mastery of know-how, this set then reveals an enchanting garment with clean cuts, sublimating the woman on every occasion.

Profitez de la qualité exceptionnelle de nos produits pour un style qui vous démarque.

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Achetez un vêtement cousu à la main pour vous
Marque responsable
Fabriqué en séries limitées en France
Livraison gratuite à partir de 700,00 € (selon les stocks)
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Nos créations iconiques

The Maison SADEONE offers a range of ready-to-wear clothes available to pre-order. These creations are limited editions, designed with refinement to offer elegance and power to the women who wear them.
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